The Cube Puzzle Library does not require any specific computer platform or
operating system to be present. It rather requires the following third party
software to be installed:
- Python 2.x (version 2.4 or higher)
Python homepage:
Important note: The Cube Puzzle Library will not work with 3.x versions of
Python, because it is not backward-compatible to the 2.x versions.
Some classes of the Cube Puzzle Library require a visual context to be
present. To use these visual features, the following software needs to be
- VTK (version 5.0 or higher)
VTK homepage:
Important note: VTK needs to be installed with Python wrappers enabled.
When configuring the VTK software set the configuration variables VTK_WRAP_PYTHON
and BUILD_SHARED_LIBS to ON to tell VTK to include the Python wrappers. If
you do not find these variables, then consult the appropriate documentation on
how to enable the Python wrappers.