Welcome to VTK Cube Puzzle, a cube puzzle simulation program with interactive 3D graphics and a graphical user interface. It is free software, released under the MIT license. To learn more about this application, visit the Features section and look at some screenshots.

VTK Cube Puzzle has been fully written in Python and extensively uses the Cube Puzzle Library, developed by the same author. The 3D graphics is managed by VTK (Visualization Toolkit), a very powerful open-source graphics library, which is much used for scientific visualization.
The latest version of the VTK Cube Puzzle is 0.1beta. The software is for now considered experimental and may not work as expected on your system. If you want to betatest this software, you are kindly invited to do so! Every help to improve this software is much appreciated. To get the application, just go to the Download section.

08.03.2009: VTK Cube Puzzle 0.1beta is released.