System requirements
The VTK Cube Puzzle application does not require any specific computer platform or
operating system to be present. It rather requires the following third party
software to be installed, in the order listed:
- Tcl/Tk (version 8.4 or higher)
Tcl/Tk homepage:
- Python 2.x (version 2.4 or higher)
Python homepage:
Important note: The VTK Cube Puzzle application will not work with 3.x versions of
Python, because it is not backward-compatible to the 2.x versions.
- VTK (version 5.0 or higher)
VTK homepage:
It is likely that you will need to compile VTK from source. Important note:
VTK needs to be installed with Python wrappers enabled: when configuring the
VTK software set the configuration variables VTK_WRAP_PYTHON and BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
to ON. If you do not find these variables, then consult the appropriate
documentation on how to enable the Python wrappers.
- Cube Puzzle Library (any version)
Cube Puzzle Library homepage: